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Hilbert Group postpones the publication of the annual report

The publication of Hilbert Group’s annual report for the financial year 2022 has been postponed. The annual report is expected to be published on Hilbert Group’s website next week. The Annual General Meeting will commence on May 26 as scheduled, but the meeting will be adjourned until the date falling three weeks after publication of the annual report.

“We need more time to complete the annual report and give our auditors the necessary time for the audit. I want to emphasise that the postponement is not due to any drama in the content of the annual report. The reason is simply that the company's IFRS accounting, given the nature of the company’s business and scope across several international jurisdictions, is considerably complex.”, comments Erik Nerpin, Chairman of the Board.

Hilbert Group has also decided to postpone the publication of the company's interim report for the first quarter until May 31, 2023.

For further information, please contact:
Erik Nerpin
Chairman of the board – Hilbert Group AB
+46 (0)70 620 7359

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