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Hilbert Group’s Annual Report for 2022 has been published in Swedish and English

Hilbert Group AB (publ) has today published its Annual Report for 2022. The Annual Report can be downloaded from Hilbert Group’s website:

In conjunction with this, Hilbert Group informs about the following changes in the Annual Report for 2022, compared to the Year-end Report 2022 published February 28, 2023:

  • A change has been made to the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income to reflect the fair value of Hilbert Group’s equity investment in Hayvn. The effect is an increase in fair value amounting to 1,923 kSEK reported in Other Comprehensive Income and a consequential increase of the Consolidated Balance Sheet carrying amount for financial assets by the same amount.
  • An adjustment has been made to the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, pertaining to presentation of net change of stablecoin cryptocurrencies used as means of payment in the ordinary course of Hilbert Group’s business. The result of the adjustment is an increase in Cash Flow from Operating activities of 3,514 kSEK and a decrease in Net Cash used in Investing Activities by the same amount.
  • A change has been made to the Parent Company Income Statement for a loss allowance of ‑10,952 kSEK pertaining to receivables from group companies. The loss allowance reflects uncertainty in the timing of future cash flows and has been calculated in accordance with Hilbert Group’s model for expected credit losses. The change has no effect on Hilbert Group’s Consolidated Profit or Loss.

Hilbert Group's annual report for 2022 can be downloaded here.

For further information, please contact:
Niclas Sandström, CEO Hilbert Group
+46 8 502 353 00

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