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Hilbert Group Subsidiary COIN360 Enters Strategic Partnership and Appoints Zingy Labs to Lead Global Marketing Efforts, a crypto visualization and analysis platform and 60% majority-owned subsidiary of Hilbert Group AB (NASDAQ: HILB B), has formed a strategic partnership with Hong Kong based Zingy Labs – a Web3 marketing agency. The collaboration aims to elevate COIN360’s user experience and expand its global reach by leveraging Zingy Labs’ expertise in marketing and scaling services to enhance COIN360’s market presence and a full buildout of its subscription services.

Hilbert first to launch SMA strategy on new Coinbase OneSMA platform

Hilbert Capital was recently featured in Alternatives Watch on Hilbert’s launch of the first SMA strategy on the new Coinbase OneSMA platform. Coinbase OneSMA is a new service operated by Coinbase Prime that allows investors to subscribe to a strategy of their liking straight from their Coinbase Prime account(s) while keeping full control of their…

Hilbert B shares +288% “winner” of Nasdaq First North in 2023

Hilbert Group’s HILB B shares, listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm, was the share that appreciated most during 2023 on the Exchange. Swedish newspaper “Realtid” wrote an article on the most appreciated shares listed on the exchange, calling shares HILB B the “winner” of 2023. Read the full article here (Swedish only)

City A.M. on Tim Grant’s appointment to Hilbert Group Board

City A.M. recently published an article about Hilbert Group’s latest addition to it’s Board of Directors, Tim Grant. The article brings up Tim’s distinguished background and deep experience in both traditional finance and the blockchain/crypto industry. Tim recently became the CEO of Deus X Capital, before that he was the Head of EMEA at Galaxy.…

Hilbert V30 featured in Alternatives Watch

Hilbert Capital was recently featured in Alternatives Watch with the launch of Hilbert V30 Fund. The article discusses how the V30 Fund aims to generate a convex trading profile using a dynamic mix of alpha and beta. Also highlighted in the article is the recent additions to the Hilbert team, including Thierry Pudet, formerly of…

Hilbert Group AB (publ) – a brief operational update

Notices: The convertible bond financing deal previously press-released, has now been closed and the funding received by Hilbert Group AB (NASDAQ: HILB B) – SEK 22.6 million (the funding was EUR denominated). As previously communicated in the Year-End Report for 2022, the Annual Report for 2022 will be announced and available at on May…

Hilbert Group AB – Zero Exposure to US Banks

A brief update from Hilbert Group AB (NASDAQ: HILB B), given the current stresses in the US banking system. Hilbert Group AB, its subsidiaries and funds, have zero exposure to Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank. For further information, please contact:Niclas Sandström, CEO Hilbert Group+46 8 502 353 About Us Hilbert…

Hilbert Capital featured in Hedge Fund Alert

Hilbert Capital has recently been featured in Hedge Fund Alert as a leading quantitative asset manager in the digital assets sector. We were happy to be highlighted as an expert on the continued opportunity set which exists for institutional investors in the crypto space, in spite of broader cryptocurrency market trends. Hedge Fund Alert have also highlighted the impressive…

Hilbert Group’s launches NFT-heatmap in partnership with leading NFT marketplace Rarible

Crypto analysis site is the first to launch a heatmap that provides insights into the NFT space. has worked together with leading NFT marketplace Rarible to implement the new feature. Apart from providing an intuitive and visual representation of the NFT space,’s heatmap also offers various filters and datapoints to provide the insights the user wants. The NFT heatmap is currently available in Beta phase and will continue to grow in functionality and coverage. is majority owned by Hilbert Group AB, the Nasdaq First North listed investment firm (ticker HILB B), focusing on digital assets and blockchain technology.

Niclas Sandström featured in MarketWatch

Hilbert Group CEO, Niclas Sandstrom, was recently featured in MarketWatch, providing insight on the relationship of the US Dollar and crypto, and how institutional investors can approach the opportunity set this may provide. Read the full article here discusses DeFi with Hilbert Founders

Hilbert recently provided with insight into decentralised exchanges and their potential future for crypto trading. Niclas Sandstrom, CEO, and Magnus Holm, CIO, were quoted discussing the implications of DeFi on crypto’s future and how systematic crypto funds such as Hilbert currently view the technology’s strengths and weaknesses. Read the full article here

Niclas Sandström interviewed by AlphaWeek

Niclas Sandström, Hilbert Group CEO, was recently interviewed for Alpha Week,  a leading alternative investment focused trade publication. Niclas was featured in a piece discussing the outlook for the digital asset industry and how hedge funds specifically are well positioned to withstand the crypto market’s challenges. See the full insight on digital assets hedge funds…

Bruce Terry interviewed by Swedish newspaper Dagens PS

(In Swedish) Nyhetssidan Dagens PS publicerade nyligen en intervju med Bruce Terry. I intervjun talar Bruce om Hilbert Capital, förvaltning inom digitala tillgångar och det ökade institutionella intresset för marknaden. Utdrag från intervjun: I USA har det institutionella intresset för krypto hittills varit större än i Europa. Många har börjat allokera sitt kapital till denna…

Richard Murray interviewed by HedgeNordic on the V1 fund

Nordic hedge-fund focused media outlet “HedgeNordic” published an interview with Hilbert Capital’s CEO Richard Murray about the Hilbert V1 fund. Excerpt from the article: “The crypto market has fallen about 50% since May 1, whereas Hilbert V1 is down only 4% net,” says Murray. “Trades are sized according to our strict drawdown objective and the…

Niclas Sandström (CEO) quoted by Coindesk on Ethereum Merge

Online news and information platform CoinDesk recently published an article covering the impact of the recent Ethereum merge. Hilbert’s Niclas Sandström is quoted in the article alongside many other prominent figures of the crypto world such as Ethereum co-founder Anthony Di Iorio and Genesis head of derivatives Joshua Lim.   “In many ways Ethereum is already…

Alternatives Watch publishes op-ed about volatility harvesting

Alternatives Watch is a daily news platform that covers the rapidly evolving world of alternative investments geared toward institutional investors. They recently published an op-ed on the topic of volatility harvesting written by Hilbert’s Richard Murray, Niclas Sandström and Magnus Holm. Excerpt from the article: “Cryptocurrencies are the most ideal asset market to implement volatility… interviews Hilbert Group’s CEO on market correlations, a website that covers news and analysis on global markets, published an article on the growing correlation between traditional financial markets and crypto markets. Hilbert Group’s CEO was interviewed on the topic: “The baseline correlation is bound to go up when the asset class matures (…) Nevertheless, cryptocurrencies continue to exhibit periods of lower…

Reuters reports: Richard Murray joins Hilbert Capital as CEO

Global newsprovider Reuters published an article on the fact that Cevian’s Richard Murray is joining Hilbert Group to become the CEO of the asset management branch Hilbert Capital. The article goes into more detail on how Richard’s appointment will help channel the increased attention from institutional investors for the digital asset space. Read the whole…

The Geometry of Risk Adjustments

ABSTRACT – In this paper we present a geometric approach to portfolio theory, with the aim to explain the geometrical principles behind risk adjusted returns; in particular Jensen’s alpha. We find that while the alpha/beta approach has severe limitations (especially in higher dimensions), only minor conceptual modifications are needed to complete the picture. However, these…

Leverage and risk relativity: how to beat an index

ABSTRACT In this paper we show that risk associated with leverage is fundamentally relative to an arbitrary choice of reference asset or portfolio. We characterize leverage risk as a drawdown risk measure relative to the chosen reference asset. We further prove that the growth optimal Kelly portfolio is the only portfolio for which the relative…

Kelly trading and option pricing

ABSTRACT In this paper we show that a Kelly trader is indifferent to trade the derivative if and only if the no-arbitrage price is uniquely given by the minimal martingale measure no-arbitrage price, thus providing a natural selection mechanism for option pricing in incomplete markets. We also show that the unique Kelly indifference price results…

Kelly Trading and Market Equilibrium

ABSTRACT We show that the Kelly framework is the natural multi-period extension of the one-period mean-variance model of Markowitz. Any allocation on the instantaneous Kelly efficient frontier can be reached by trading in the bank account and a particular mutual fund consisting of risky assets only. However, different to the mean-variance model there is an…

Opalesque TV’s interview with Hilbert Group CEO and CIO

Hedge-fund media outlet “Opalesque” recently interviewed Hilbert Group’s Niclas Sandström (CEO) and Magnus Holm (CIO) about its history and successes. The interview goes into detail on Hilbert’s strategy that has a five-year real money track record with a total annualised return of 110%. Since inception, it has outperformed the S&P 500 around 43 times, and…

Hilbert Group acquires a stake in blockchain company Capchap

Hilbert Group AB (NASDAQ FN: HILB B) has acquired a 5.7% stake in Capchap AB, a joint venture between the blockchain pioneer Chromaway AB and law firm LegalWorks / LWA. The transaction amount for Hilbert Group is SEK 2.5 million, and the deal is cash settled.

One-Stop Institutional Shop for Crypto

Nordic hedge-fund focused media outlet “HedgeNordic” published an interview with Hilbert Group’s CEO Niclas Sandström about the opportunity that lies within Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for institutional investors. Cryptocurrencies might be the most fascinating, yet head-scratching and controversial, investment opportunity in recent history. The outstanding performance of Bitcoin and altcoins – alternatives to Bitcoin – relative…

Interview by Dagens Börs: Niclas Sandström (CEO) Hilbert Group

Utdrag från dagens börs: Det erbjuds en rad olika tillgångsklasser i dagens hetlevrade investeringsklimat – allt från komplicerade hävstångsprodukter, råvaror till något av det mest omtalande; Bitcoin. Fler alternativ än att direkt handla krypto blir tillgängliga, något som Hilbert Group har positionerat sig inom. Vi har fått förmånen att tala med Niclas Sandström, VD och…

Hilbert’s First Joint Fund Launch

Excerpt from Digital assets-focused investment firm Hilbert Group has launched a systematic quant-driven crypto fund in a joint venture with Hong Kong-based strategic advisory firm Oracle Strategies Limited. Hilbert Syrius Bit+ Fund uses a mix of artificial intelligence-assisted trend-following and mean-reversion strategies on a small basket of leading altcoins, predominantly Bitcoin and Ethereum. Read…

Hilbert Rolls Out Crypto Fund Range

Excerpt from Having started out as a pure digital-currency asset manager, Stockholm-based Hilbert Group has now been listed on Nasdaq First North as a digital asset investment firm focused on four business verticals: asset management, proprietary trading, private equity investments, and data and analytics. The asset management arm focuses on managing Hilbert Digital Asset…

Hilbert Group har gjort sin första VC-investering. Förvärvat 60% av data-/nyhetssajten Coin360 – Startar division för data och analys

Investeringsbolaget inom kryptovalutor och blockkedjeteknik, Hilbert Group AB – som kommer att listas på Nasdaq First North den 27:e oktober – har i sin nu publikt släppta bolagsbeskrivning uppgett att bolaget tidigare i år gjort sin första större venture capital-investering. Investeringen skedde genom att Hilbert Group gjorde ett majoritetsförvärv i form av 60 procent av aktierna i Coin360 – en av världens största sajter inriktad på pris-information och trend data inom kryptovalutor. I och med förvärvet skapades också grunden för Hilbert Groups verksamhetsben för data- och analystjänster.


Nasdaq Stockholm AB har godkänt Hilbert Group AB:s (publ) (”Hilbert” eller ”Bolaget”) ansökan om upptagande till handel av Bolagets B-aktier och teckningsoptioner av serie TO1 på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Bolagets B-aktier kommer handlas under kortnamnet ”HILB B” med ISIN-kod SE0016278154 och teckningsoptionen av serie TO1 kommer att handlas under kortnamnet “HILB TO1” med ISIN-kod SE0016798300. Första dag för handel är den 27 oktober 2021.